Youmore » Sona Arevshatyan

Sona Arevshatyan

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Sona ArevshatyanName: Sona
Surname: Arevshatyan
Country: Armenia
Role: Project coordinator

I am Sona. I am of Armenian origin.
I have graduated from Yerevan State Linguistic University as Linguist specialized in the English, Italian, German and Russian languages. During my university studies, I have been working in two organisations: assistant in PR department of ‘Cleanland’ LLC and Office manager in ‘ESTO’ Lawyer’s office. However, I was feeling the need of something extraordinary… Thus, I decided to take part into a 10 months’ voluntary service project in Italy for I wanted to explore the country. Not only have I become more open-minded and culturally aware, but I have also gained enormous professional skills during my voluntary experience in the Youth Centre in Chiari. This professional grow-up have continued after the project when I was taken on by the Foundation Instituto Morcelliano. Afterwards, Youmore logo was created. During the creation of this new reality I have taken part into different trainings organised by Salto Youth Network, National Agencies for Youth in Italy, Norway, Portugal, Greece, Armenia, Czech Republic, and Eurodesk Italy. Actually, I am the coordinator of European Youth Mobility projects of the organisation, especially the EVS charter (hosting, sending and coordinating projects). Moreover, I make orientations for young people and reports about EU projects and my personal experience. Meanwhile I am concluding my MA degree studies in Languages (English and Russian) and Cultures for International Corporation at Milan State University. In my free time, I teach English to Secondary school-children and adults.