From 9 to 17 July 2017, me and four other boys- Ester Zotti, Valeria Sardi, Silvia Zotti and Stefano Maraschi accompanied by Paolo Festa, we left for an Erasmus + experience in Purchena in Spain. During our trip, between flights, trains and autobus, we met our adventure companions, that were- five Romanian boys, five Polish and many other Spanish accompanied by their tutors. As the age of the participants was between 14 and 17 years and therefore we have had the supervision of at least one adult per nation.

The theme of this exchange was Europe and how each of us felt really European. The main task of the week was to create a video that had included photos and movies recorded every day. Another task was to make a graffiti that could best represent our continent and to compose, and then sing a song. Also every morning we had moments of sharing where we put into practice some ice-breakers, that was named “ice breaks”. In order to be ready for exchange, me and the other Italians had several meetings before we went to pick up the ideas and prepare the games of knowledge that we would later have to present. One of the hard work that we faced was to explain the activities in English and always have to talk in this language, even in our free time. In addition, we worked hard to get a good result at the end of the week, but we also had fun and we had the opportunity to visit Almeria, an important city in the sea and this was the possibility to swim. But this was not the only excursion we took part, because in the afternoon we were in a natural swimming pool in Cela. Also one of the most beautiful moments was the intercultural dinner where each nation prepared typical dishes to be tasted by the other participants.

I must thank the Fondazione Istituto Morcelliano for allowing me to take part in this Erasmus +, which has given me a chance to see a small part of Spain. Also way of living of its inhabitants, who were so warm and welcoming, ready to share the little they have. This exchange has also provided me to create new connections of different kind of friendships that still today, even at the big distance, have remained firm. I must admit that initially everyone had to overcome the first difficulties, such as adaptation and shyness. Therefore, we became a group of friends, who all feel like brothers/sisters, all Europeans, what really was the goal to reach at the end.
Elisa Faglia
Translated by Joanna-Eliisa Servet
Published by: segreteria