Youmore » Jorge Huéscar Aguilar

Jorge Huéscar Aguilar

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Jorge Huéscar AguilarName: Jorge
Surname: Huéscar Aguilar
Coutry of origin: Spain
Role: EVS volunteer

My name is Jorge Huéscar, I’m 26 years old guy from Spain. I’ve got a bachelor degree in Economics (University of Malaga). During last years I participated in several youth exchanges and training courses, where I got a lot of experience in a work at international level. Then I decided to go ahead and to do the next step – to take part in EVS project, where I can enrich myself and take new challenges.
After few months I started looking for EVS and I found this project in Chiari, where I could learn and improve my skills in the Erasmus+ universe. Luckily, my candidature was chosen and now I am here in Italy. I work with children in Ludoteca and I also work at Youmore office where we try to find new interesting mobility projects for local youngsters who would like to experience EVS.